Do you know of the existence of something so mysterious to have the basic components of life? COMETS.
"Comets appear to be quite different compared one to the other," "This comet confirms that we would be wrong speaking only of dirty snowballs." Rotundi
The European Space Agency's Rosetta mission has now found that Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko is even stranger than initially expected. Even stranger than other comets already studied.
Researchers have found that the comet has organic compounds, carbon-based molecules that are sometimes known as the chemical building blocks of life. According to the principal investigator of the VIRTIS instrument on Rosetta, Fabrizio Capaccioni, this marks the first time organic molecules have been detected on the surface of a comet's nucleus. Apart from this, the comet has dunes and ripples that look like geological markings on Earth, Mars and Venus even though it doesn't have an atmosphere and high gravity like those planets. So how is this possible?

Although the comet has similar characteristics on the planets,Rosetta's findings have shown that the type of water found is so different from terrestrial water. That is why the theory about how water was delivered to the early Earth that believed it was by comets is now looking for another answer, like asteroids.
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Photos: Europe's Rosetta Comet Mission in Pictures, Staff, November 15, 2014. |
Comets are thought to be leftovers from the dawn of the solar system, so learning more about them could help piece together the history of the planets and other solar system bodies, also help us understand more about how comets evolved through time.That's why scientists have now analyzed various features on the comet's surface to see what the ancient, icy body has experienced in its lifetime.
Stephanie Serrano
Marinat did you notice that comet has like a face or represents a face? I am amazed how there can be humans so intelligent that can manage a program like the Roseta Mission